Sounds like a lot of me-tooism

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Sen. Grassley may have many town hall meetings, but he’s the master at not answering tough questions. He would much rather give down-home and folksy talk. I find him very teflon-like.

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Randy— Enjoyed your column this a.m. Governor Ray had a daily (M-F) morning meeting with the state house press corps, at least in the time I was working for him during his first four terms. To the best of my knowledge at the time, he was the only state official in the nation to do so, with the possible exception of Chicago Mayor Dick Daly (the first). And you are correct about his reasoning. Not only did it keep Iowans informed, but through reporters questioning he kept an accurate gauge on what Iowans were concerned about. Our challenge daily was to see how well we were able to anticipate in our pre-conference briefings what the questions would be before the day’s press meeting began. And that required his staff to stay informed about what was going on in the state, not just the state house.

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When I started to read this, I thought you were going to write about Kim Reynolds. When was the last time she had a press conference or answered any questions??

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Rob Sand is an example that all politicians should follow. After all, they work for us and should be accountable to us.

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Right on!!

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