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The city of Waverly began televising live all their city council meetings in the late 90's on their cable access channel and continue to do so. The recordings were/are then set to play twice a day until the next meeting. Wartburg College journalism students handled the work and were supervised on site by a faculty member. (I did it for 11 years until I retired from the Wartburg faculty a few years ago.) All Planning and Zoning commission meetings are also televised, along with numerous other city meetings. For many years the meetings were recorded on VHS tapes. With the advent of better technology the meetings are all now live streamed as well as carried live on cable, and are archived on You Tube and available on demand. The equipment is all HD. As an added note, while the city has been a leader in televising government meetings, especially for smaller towns, neither the Waverly School Board or Bremer County Board of Supervisors meetings have ever been televised.

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