It would be interesting to look at the fatality rate of Cafo hogs, hens, and dairy and non-dairy cows of singular genetics versus pasture raised heirloom breeds. Someone once pointed out (correctly or not?) that the genetics of todays livestock is so inbred that collapse is inevitable?

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Thank you! Interested to see the Iowa fatality comparison with Wisconsin and Minnesota. It’s shameful that our governor had such a careless regard for human life.

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Thank you for pointing this discrepancy out!

How can we get these facts and revealings to the farm community?

As a semi retired agriculturist I will be happy to support also with some facts! (I am a lousy writer)

Please feel free to contact me!

Dieter Harle

Davenport, IA


Cell/whatsApp: 563-940-1440

I am a paid subscriber to Ed Tibbits and a supporter of Chris Jones! Over 40 years experience in conventional practical animal agriculture with emphasis on dairy!

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Government is only used to protect products, not consumers/people.

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And I like how Reynolds can trust Iowans to do the right thing relative to COVID, but not abortions. She is something else.

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Profits over People

Live cattle & chickens = $ Profits

Live People…

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