When AG Bird showed up in New York it kinda look like she was the one playing politics. Good column, Randy.

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Citizens in general who have never served on a jury seem to have misconceptions about the way juries work. Having served as a juror several times, I can attest that the role is taken quite seriously. It is not easy work. And these NY jurors were put in particularly hot seats, given the defendant’s propensity for threatening the system and everyone in it.

Of course juries and judges make mistakes, but we can’t just toss the whole method without considering the consequences.

And to Mr. Kirsch’s point, I would be equally upset if the Democratic Party rose up in lockstep to condemn Trump’s acquittal on some criminal charge. The Republicans seem to be making sport of trashing institutions. Are they anarchists or nihilists? I can’t tell. Sure nothing like Bob Ray Republicans.....

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I agree, Josiah.

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Thank you, Randy.

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Would you be saying this if Trump had been acquitted?

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It is OK to be disappointed, discouraged and p.o.‘ed by a verdict like you describe — just as people were disappointed by the stalker verdict I mentioned in the column. What I disagree with are the sweeping comments trashing the jury system.

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